Directors and creators, Donna Lindsay & Phoebe Wilkens

Our Story 

In mid-2014 whilst on (another) trip to Thailand, Donna and Phoebe realised they wanted to start a project together, something removed from their day-to-day jobs. Working in completely separate fields – Donna is an Exercise Physiologist and runs a successful business and Phoebe is an historian and specialises in genealogy – finding a cohesive project was going to be somewhat challenging. Donna, motivated by the philanthropic work of TOMS, and in a moment of inspiration, came up with the idea of EATSS – Eat and They Shall Sleep. 

The foundation of EATSS lies in Donna and Phoebe’s love of food and of the beautiful people of Thailand who have always been so accommodating. EATSS brings together the integral need to nourish our bodies with wholesome and nutritious food and the basic human right of a safe night’s sleep. It brings together the concept of healthy, nutritious and wholesome food with the aim of providing bedding for underprivileged Thai children and orphans. 

The range of protein balls created and handmade by EATSS has been developed with optimum health and nutrition in mind. Using well sourced and wholesome ingredients, Donna has produced a variety of delicious protein balls which are all vegan and free from gluten and refined sugar.

For every 20 protein balls EATSS sells ($80) we are able to purchase a mattress for an underprivileged Thai child. By purchasing EATSS products you will be helping to provide these mattresses to the less fortunate children of Thailand as well as contributing to your own health.

In October 2016 we returned to Thailand for our second EATSS trip. We re-visited the Phuket Special Education Centre, where almost 50 children from the ages of 4-16 years have a range of mental and physical disabilities and receive little in the way of funding and support from the government and few donations from the general public. We first visited the Centre in 2015 on our first EATSS trip and donated a new playground and equipment, toys, pillows and food for the school and students to enjoy. In 2016 when we returned we were able to donate hospital beds, sheets, pillows and blankets to the growing school.

In 2019 we visited the SOS Children’s Village in Phuket where we were lucky enough to tour the village. This village houses children from 6 months of age to 17 years old who have all been orphaned. We were able to buy the children essential items for their homes, food and, outdoor sporting equipment.